are two main objects where You can participate:
Tesovo expedition (Luga distr., July, 2003)
Shapki expedition (Tosno distr., August, 2003)
Previous expeditions
1. Tesovo Settlement
2. Lava Hillfort
Main participants of the expeditions are St.Petersburg researchers (head of the expedition, laborants), also undergraduate students of St.Petersburg University. Everytime the pupils of 14-17 years of secondary schools of Leningradskaja oblast' also take part in the expedition. The last condition is by all means neces-sary because it makes our expedition a socially oriented and the municipial ad-ministration supports us in accommodation and meals. The whole number of participants is about 15-20.
Unfortunately, Our Institute can not pay anything to the volunteers. You are to come to Russia by Your own and pay about 60 EUR for a week. If You can advice us a source or a foundation to compensate Your expenses we will be very glad.
196244, St.Petersburg, Russia
Vitebskij pr., 31-3-129
St.Petersburg State University
Institute for Complex Social Researches
Center "Petroscandica"
Senior Researcher
Dr. Adrian A. Selin