Curriculum vitae

Born in June, 21, 1971 г. in St. Petersburg (at that time • Leningrad).

In 1988 finished the 52th secondary school with deep learning English..

In 1988-1989 worked at the scientific library of Leningrad Department of Institute of Archaeology (now Institute of History of Material Culture).

In 1989 entered a cathedra of archaeology at the historical faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
In 1990 published my first article.

In 1994 finished University with honours diploma. I defend my thesis on the theme “Rural settling in Novgorod Land at the late medieval period (16th • 17th cc.) (Honours diploma ШЧ # 204038, June,15, 1994)
Diploma became an entering thesis to the post graduate courses at St. Petersburg branch of The Institute of Russian History.

In 1994 entered the post graduate courses at St. Petersburg branch of The Institute of Russian History where studied at the department of ancient history of Russia for three years. On March, 17, 1998 г. defend my thesis on the theme “Historical Geography of Novgorod Land. 16th • 18th cent. Southern Districts of Vodskaya Pyatina”.

From 1995 took part in some cultural projects at the St. Petersburg Brunch of Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage, from the beginning of 1998 a full-time job there.

At the same time have some part-time jobs at Staraya Ladoga Historical-Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reservation (in 1994-2001).

From 1995 organized archaeological researches in Gatchina and Luga districts of Leningrad oblast') (the reports are in the archive of Institute of Archaeology, Mos-cow).

In 1996 was granted by RSS. Project Nr 1064/1996, "A Comparative Study of Some rural Regions of Former Novgorod Land: Looking for a Key to the Settlement Conti-nuity")..

In the beginning of 1996 published my first monograph  ("Ivangorod road") dedicated to the problems of local history.

In 1997 took part in ethnological expedition of European University at St. Petersburg (in Batetsk and Khvoynaya districts of Novgorod oblast')).

In 1998-2000 (June-July) organized archaeological excavations at Tesovo • a medieval Russian town in North-West part of Novgorod Land.

Since March, 1999  a head of the Regional Culture Department in St. Petersburg Brunch of Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage.

In September-October, 1999 and in September-December 2000 was granted by Sweden Instutute (projects “The Day-to-day Life of Rural communities of Novgorod North-West in 1610-1617 and in Ingermanland in 1617-1700 (according to Dozornye, Obysknye and Pistcovye Books from Sweden Archives)” and “The Day-to-day Life of Rural nobility of Novgorod North-West in 1610-1617 (according to private acts from Sweden Archives)”)

Since October 2000 a researcher in the Center "Petroscandica" at the Institute of Complex Social re-searches at St.Petersburg State University

Since May, 2001 vice-director of Staraya Ladoga museum

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