New updating

Aprial, 25, 2007. New page (in Russian) – lists of female and male names in Novgorod 1611+1617

April, 1, 2007. New page (in Russian) – “Folly”: a collection of foolish sentences in historical and archaeological works.

15 March, 2007. New article “On the list of Novgorod churches, 1615 by archimandrit Kiprian” (in Russian)

3 May, 2006. Personal bibliography updated.

26 April, 2006. New article “Novgorod Chancellors in 1611-1617” (in Russian)

9 January, 2006. New version of Database "Novgorod Gentry 1611-1617"
23 September, 2005.
Document firstly mentioning the Earth Hillfort in Ladoga and the Siege of the Ladoga Fortress during Livonian War.
18 May, 2005 New article
Staraia Ladoga: A Medieval Russian Town in a Post-Soviet Context
8 March, 2005. 1) New article
Political life and State alcohol Cellar in Novgorod the Great in 7119 (in Russian) ; 2) New russian peronal bibliography.

1 September, 2004. New article: Towards the origin of Novgorod  the Great bureaucracy in 1611-1617.

20 March, 2004. Added List of Jaroslawl' Embassy to Novgorod, May, 1612
3 March, 2004. Added
Alphabet of Novgorod gentry, 1811-1617
29 February, 2004. New information on
summer expedition, 2004.
16 February, 2004. New document "
Order to Kabak elders, Novgorod, 1605/06" and the Dictionary of Russian History terms and concepts (early 17th c.).
12 January, 2004. New project:
Novgorodians at the Turning-point of history: 1611-1617.
23 August, 2003. New project
Forum created by the participant of archaeological excavations in Tesovo-2002 and 2003 Anton Grigor'eff
13 April, 2003. New project
New expeditions
8 March, 2003. 1)
New document about the fates of native Novgorod landowners in 17th c. (Zemtsy); 2) Information about new conference in Staraya Ladoga, May, 2003.
9 February, 2003. New edition of most of the pages (including
9 January, 2003. New project "
Early 17th Century Novgorod Society". Self-extracted Archive on the biographical data of the early 17th c. Novgorodians is open now. Also the newly founded document from Ladoga, 1612, tells us that Sweden commandant Rekinberg was a clever man (as the russian officers Buturlin and Sekirin supposed)
9 January, 2003. New documents -
The petition by Tihon, the Head of Novgorod Holy Ghost Monastery, 1612 and Order to Ladoga governors not to take rent from Tikhvin monastery, 1612
3 January, 2003. New documents about
Ladoga Strelltsers in 1612 and about Ladoga settlement in 1664
16 December, 2002. New articles in Russian - about
Ladoga in the Time of Troubles and about Grigirij Murav'ev - the activ person of that time.
30 April, 2002. New
Guestbook from
10--11 December, 2001.
New article on Tesovo (in Russian) and document (Custom book of Nyenscans, 1616, 1618)
30 September, 2001. Page
Expedition renewed: new archaeological data from Lava (including pictures of finds).
9 September, 2001. Added link to the page with pictures of North West Russian Archaeological
9 September, 2001. Page
Expedition renewed: new archaeological data from Tesovo and Lava (including pictures of finds from Tesovo)
17 June, 2001. New e-mail
14 June, 2001. Pages
Zarechje and Shapki renewed: new archaeological data
27 April, 2001. New page
Youth project.
2 April, 2001. New
document on the peasant's faithfulness, 1615
28 March, 2001. New page - "
New Conferences"
28 March, 2001. New documents on Zarechje
pogost and fortress
23 March, 2001. Index page design was greatly changed.
New useful links
17 March, 2001. Added link to the Sweden text and English translation of
Teusina Peace Treaty, 1595
15 March, 2001. New version of the article "
On the treasons in Novgorod, 1611-1616" (in Russian)
11 March, 2001. New page on the
seminar "Petroscandica" (in Russian)
8 March, 2001. New project "
Villages of Russia. 1860-1920"
4 March, 2001. New link to the article "New data on the homosexuality in Novgorod in early 17th c." see
27 February, 2001. Russian edition of iss.htm had been updated - see

27 February, 2001. Index page design was greatly changed

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